Redfield Edge Primary School


Acceptance of gifts and hospitality policy 2024

Accessibility Plan 2024-2027 New

April 24-25


Anti-fraud Bribery and corruption Policy 2024

Asbestos Management Policy – 23-24

Attendance Policy 2023 -2024

Behaviour policy 2022-2025 


Best Value Statement 23-24

CCTV Policy 2024

Charging and Remissions Policy 2023-2024

Children with Health Needs who cannot attend School Policy March 2024

Code of Conduct Policy July 2023

Complaints Policy and procedure July 2023 – 2026

Cyber Security Policy 2024

Data Breach Policy 2024

Data Protection Policy (including SAR appendix) 2024


Early Career Teacher Policy 23-24

Equality Information and Objectives (public sector equality duty) statement for publication May 2020 – May 2024 

Exclusions-Policy October 2023

Food Allergy Policy January 2024

Freedom of Information Policy 2023-2026


Governors Expenses Policy April 2024-25

Health and Safety Policy 2022 – 2023 

ICT Security Policy 2024

Intimate Care and Appropriate contact policy July 2023

Lettings Policy 2024

Managing Medical Needs Policy July 2023-2024

Online Safety Policy 2023 Oct

Online Safety Policy Summary for Parents 2023

Parent-Carer Policy Feedback Form 

Privacy Notice Governors and Volunteers September 2023 – 2024

Purchasing Policy 2023-2024

Record Retention Policy 2024

Redfield Edge School Health and Safety Policy 2024-2025

Safeguarding and Child Protection 23-24

School Meals Provisions and Debt Management Policy 2024

SEND Policy 2024 -2025

Statement of procedures for allegations of abuse against staffMarch 2024


Teachers’ Pay Policy and guidance 2023-2024

Whistle blowing Policy Feb 2024


If you are a member of the school community and would like to comment on a policy, suggest an amendment to an existing policy or would like to talk about a policy, please use the form below.

Parent/Carer Policy Feedback Form

We are happy to supply paper copies of information from our website by request’