| Cat – Be CuriousCritical curiosity versus passivity - I like to get below the surface of things and see what is really going on.
- I like to work things out for myself, and to ask my own questions.
- I tend to go looking for things to learn, rather than just responding to problems that come my way.
- I’m attracted to learning and have a good deal of energy for learning tasks and situations.
- I value getting at the truth.
 | Unicorn – Be CreativeCreativity versus data accumulation - I like new situations, and sometimes create novelty and uncertainty ‘just to see what happens’.
- I like playing with possibilities and imagining how situations could be otherwise.
- I sometimes get my best ideas when I just let my mind float freely, and I don’t mind ‘giving up mental control’ for a while to see what bubbles up.
- I often use my imagination when I’m learning, and pay attention to images and physical promptings as well as rational thoughts.
 | Bea – Working in a TeamPositive learning relationships versus isolation - I like working on problems with other people, especially my friends.
- I have no difficulty sharing thoughts and ideas with others, and find it useful.
- I am quite capable of working away at problems on my own, and sometimes prefer it.
- I don’t feel I have to stick with the crowd for fear of being lonely or isolated, when I’m learning.
- I have important people at home and in my community who share with me in my learning.
 | Owl – Plan AheadStrategic awareness versus robotic - I tend to think about my learning, and plan how I am going to go about it.
- I usually have a fair idea how long something is going to take me, what resources I will need, and my chances of being successful.
- I am able to talk about the process of learning – how I go about things – and about myself as a learner – what my habits, preferences, aspirations, strengths and weaknesses are.
 | Spider – Make LinksMeaning making versus data accumulation - I tend to look for patterns, connections and coherence in what I am learning.
- I seek links between new situations and what I already know or am interested in.
- I’m on the look-out for ‘horizontal meaning’.
- I like to make sense of new things in terms of my own experience and I like learning about what matters to me.
 | Tortious – PersevereResilience versus fragility and dependence - I tend to stick at things for a while, even when they are difficult. I don’t give up easily.
- I often enjoy grappling with things that aren’t easy.
- I can handle the feelings that can crop up during learning: frustration, confusion, apprehension and so on.
- I’m not easily upset or embarrassed when I can’t immediately figure something out
- I don’t immediately look for someone to help me out when I am finding things difficult, or when I get stuck.
 | Chameleon – Adapt and ChangeChanging and learning versus being stuck and static - I see learning as something I can get better at.
- I have a sense of history and of hope.
- I tend to take ownership of my own learning, and like to be responsible for what I’m learning and how I go about it.
- I’m usually quite ready to ‘sign up’ to learning tasks that are presented to me