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It is important to have knowledge of our past history, origin and culture to be able to look forward into our own future.
History is concerned with people and the past. The children of Redfield Edge are encouraged to develop a sense of time and understanding of past events and their effect on modern society. By learning to evaluate a range of primary and secondary sources, our historians will be able to explain how people around the world used to live and that interpretations of events can differ. Pupils will be taught about historical events, where they take place within a historical timeline and famous historical figures who may have shaped the world today.
Topics are informed by the National Curriculum and are designed to be progressive, outlining the skills, knowledge and vocabulary that are taught in a sequential way, building on prior knowledge. The curriculum has been designed to link to the local area helping our children to make sense of topics in history – for example Castles and World War 2 – that might seem too remote. Good local history enables the pupils to discover the people that lived in their community in the past and how their lives may be similar and different to their own.
During their time at school, children take part in a number of educational visits and events. These experiences are designed to enhance the children’s knowledge, appreciation and understanding of the world in which they are growing up.
At Redfield Edge Primary we want to create positive attitudes towards the study of history and achieve high standards.
History is taught through a series of topics throughout the year so that children achieve a depth in their learning and link their learning within lesson to other curriculum areas. Where possible the class text in English is linked to the topic to embed the history and to provide opportunities for emotional responses. The key knowledge and skills for each topic has been identified and consideration has been given to ensure progression year on year. By the end of Year 6, children will have a chronological understanding of British History from Stone Age to the present day and be able to demonstrate how each era has impacted on the way we live our lives in modern times. This is interlinked with studies of world history such as the ancient civilizations of Greece and Ancient Egypt.
Each topic has a knowledge organiser (including ‘sticky vocabulary’) which the children are expected to master. History lessons are scaffolded for those that need support to provide equity in provision; maintaining high standards of achievement for all pupils.
Curriculum enrichment is of a high importance with children having a range of opportunities to enhance their learning through excursions and visits from experts.
Outcomes demonstrate a broad and balanced history curriculum and demonstrate the children’s acquisition of identified key knowledge through regular teacher assessments, pupil discussions and book looks. Emphasis is placed on analytical thinking and questioning which helps pupils gain a coherent knowledge and understanding of Britain’s past and that of the wider world. Children will be enthused and inspired, demonstrating an inquisitive nature, wanting to find out more. They will be knowledgeable about local links and be able to discuss how local history is relevant in their lives. The use of high-quality resources and artifacts will help to bring the past to life.