Redfield Edge Primary School

Redfield Edge OPEN MORNINGS for prospective parents 

Wednesday 20th and Thursday 21st November. On each date there is two sessions – 9am and 11am
Please contact the school office to book a session: 01454 867165 /


There is a direct link between the time a child is at school and the progress that they make.

Term Dates
Early in the Autumn Term a list of holiday dates for the year will be sent to parents.   A written request  for permission for absence, in the case of significant need, can be sent to the Headteacher throughout the year.  Medical appointments should be made for holiday time wherever possible.

Doors open at 8.45 and learning begins the moment the children walk into the class with morning activities which consolidate learning from previous lessons. Our gates close at 8.55am and registers close by 9am.   Lateness can cause distress and upset to pupils and essential learning, including bespoke interventions, take place at the start of each day.

Attendance and lateness is monitored on a daily basis and where concern is evident our Family Link Worker or Headteacher will be in contact with you to see if additional support is needed.


Schools are now prohibited from authorising any leave in term time; unless there are exceptional circumstances. Redfield Edge aims to work in partnership with parents, and we know that there are sometimes exceptional circumstances, which mean absence may be required during term time.

If your child requires exceptional circumstances leave, you must first ask permission from the Headteacher, by completing and a ‘Holiday’ form available from the school office, and returning to the school. Only requests made on this form will be considered; please do not send letters, or emails.
Please do not make arrangements or commitments for your child’s absence before authorisation has been given.
Requests for exceptional circumstances leave will only be considered two weeks before the date of leave to enable the Headteacher to consider the items below and no leave will be authorised retrospectively:
How much education your child has already missed through illness or arriving late.
What learning your child will miss at school
Your child’s level of attainment.
You will receive a reply notifying you if your request has been authorised or unauthorised, soon after your form has been received.
When holiday is taken and the school has not authorised the absence, the school may request that the LA issues a Penalty Notice – more information is available from school office.

When might a Penalty Notice be issued?

The school may issue a Penalty Notice to a parent in one or more of the following circumstances where more than 10 sessions of absence are recorded in 7 school weeks (i.e. 70 sessions). There are 2 sessions per day, one in the morning and one in the afternoon,

where unauthorised absences are recorded
where more than 10 sessions of unauthorised holiday are recorded and; the parent has not informed the school; or the leave was not authorised; or the child did not return on the agreed date
where the child is persistently late arriving at school after registers have closed
where a combination of more than 10 sessions of the above have been recorded.