Friends of
Redfield Edge
Our purpose:
The main purpose of The Friends of Redfield Edge (FoRE) is to provide the children of our school with experiences that enrich their school life whilst making memories which last lifetime.
FoRE brings together parents, teachers and children to raise funds and strengthen the school community. Money raised is usually spent on things that the school budget does not cover.
All parents, carers and teachers are automatically members of FoRE and can be involved as much or as little as they choose. Meetings are held regularly and we use these alongside our Social Media platform, Newsletters and parentmail to keep members up to date.
FoRE is a registered Charity which has an elected Committee, who are also its Trustees and who oversee its running. The Committee is elected annually at our AGM.
We are a Registered Charity (No 1030585).
Who are the committee ?

Laura Fitzgerald
Events Manager
This is me, mum to Barney in Willow Class and Dougie in Holly Class. After seeing how much the friends do for the school in terms of fundraising and the incredible things it allows the school to have, as well as how much excitement and joy Barney gets out of the events. I’m proud and looking forward to being a part of helping that continue for him and now Dougie too as well as the rest of the children at Redfield Edge.

Vicki Hinton
Hi, I’m Vicki, mum to Albie who has just joined Holly class. As a new mum to Redfield Edge, I am excited to meet other parents in the Friends, and raise valuable funds for the school while making great memories for the children of Redfield Edge.’

Donna Stepniewski
Hi, my name is Donna, I am the Treasurer for the Friends. I have two spirited and adventurous daughters who love primary school life. I’m no accountant, but I do have some organisational skills picked up from being a Primary and Early Years Teacher. I believe in the power of community and am interested in education for sustainability.
The Friends charity belongs to every parent and every parent is a member, so if you have ideas for a fundraiser, skills to share or ways that your business could assist, please get in touch, every contribution is vital and appreciated.