Redfield Edge Primary School

Redfield Edge OPEN MORNINGS for prospective parents 

Wednesday 20th and Thursday 21st November. On each date there is two sessions – 9am and 11am
Please contact the school office to book a session: 01454 867165 /

British Values

Our school is committed to actively promoting British values to ensure our pupils leave us fully prepared for life in modern Britain. British society is founded on fundamental values and principles which all those living in the UK should respect and support. These values are reflected in the responsibilities, rights and privileges of being a British citizen or permanent resident of the UK. They are based on history and traditions and are protected by law, customs and expectations. There is no place in British society for extremism or intolerance.
The government emphasises that all schools should ensure that they teach pupils about British values. We take every opportunity to promote the fundamental British values of:
*The rule of law
*Individual liberty
*Mutual respect and tolerance of those with different faiths and beliefs

Through the promotion of these values, our school aims to ensure pupils:
*Understand the democratic process and how citizens can have a say in decision making.
*Recognise the advantages of living under the rule of law and how law is essential for a safe society.
*Understand that there is a separation of power between the executive and the judiciary and why it exists.
*Understand the reasons for accountability of institutions and why courts maintain independence.
*Know why freedom of religion protects all faiths, as well as those with no faith.
*Accept that people who hold different religious beliefs should be tolerated and not discriminated against.
*Value the importance of identifying and combatting extremism.

These values are officially taught through the RE and PSHE curriculum, and are further nurtured through the school’s ethos and promotion of spiritual, moral, social and cultural (SMSC) understanding.

Below is our British Value Statement for more detail.

British Values Statement