Breadth of Study
“The only way to learn maths, is to do maths”
Redfield Edge follows the NCTEM (The National Centre for Excellence in the Teaching of Mathematics) Progression of skills.
This document has mapped out our Breadth of Study for Maths.
At Redfield the purpose of our maths curriculum is to teach a rich, balanced and progressive programme of study which allows pupils to develop mathematical skills and knowledge that they are able to use confidently throughout their lives. They will develop fluent conceptual understanding, starting with Number Sense in Key Stage 1 through to mastering number in Arithmetic in Key Stage 2, to become confident in using maths to reason and problem solve in each area.
Our curriculum aims to use maths to support children to better understanding the mathematical world around them. This links maths to real life experiences and ensures their learning is cross curricular and relevant to the lives of the children of Redfield Edge. Children should develop an enjoyment of mathematics as well as feeling confident in using both mental and written methods, including correct selection of methods and operations in a range of contexts.
The National Curriculum (2014) forms the basis of long term planning alongside the NCETM which helped form our progression of learning. Each maths objective is mapped out into a learning journey which has key skills and vocabulary, prior knowledge and misconceptions. Individual children move along this learning journey at their own pace, making sure they further develop their mathematical understanding at all times. This allows teachers to adapt their teaching to provide learning which challenges each child. The speed in which they move from Try It (varied fluency), Use It (reasoning and problem solving) to Explore It (deeper understanding) will vary from child to child depending on their personalised learning journey.
There are weekly opportunities which consist of regular times tables work; varied fluency; reasoning and problem solving; development of mathematical language and discussion; opportunities to work independently, with teachers and with peers in a conducive and supportive environment; and regular opportunities for self-assessment, teacher assessment and reviewing, correcting and explaining work.
It is important children have opportunities to use concrete and pictorial representations through all areas of maths to set a solid foundation to understand and build on. This allows children to visualise abstract mathematical concepts and use in real life.
We use a range of resource materials to ensure children receive a rich and varied exposure to a variety mathematical experiences, such as Classroom Secrets, Twinkl, Nrich, White Rose Maths, Primary Stars, NCETM.
Redfield Edge’s Resource Materials
Maths Frame, Numbots and Times Table Rockstars is used to support the teaching and learning of times tables and number facts for children from EYFS to Year 6.
Our curriculum design will ensure that pupils develop mathematical skills and knowledge that they are able to use confidently in the next stages of their school career and life; they will be confident in selecting the methods, strategies and resources they need. Through becoming confident and fluent in mathematics, pupils will also develop a sense of enjoyment for the subject. They will be able to discuss mathematical concepts and strategies, explain their thinking and respectfully challenge others in their mathematical thinking. We measure the impact of mathematical teaching and learning through summative and formative assessment.