Catch Up Spending Plan
Catch Up Spending Plan
The Government announced recovery funding to support children to catch up lost time after school closures. This includes a one-off universal catch-up premium for the 2020/2021 academic year.
In making decisions on the use of the funding, we will focus on approaches that:
- Use high quality teaching and learning as the preferred way to narrow the gaps in attainment in the first instance
- Recognise the fact that pupils who have fallen behind are all different and cover a wide range of needs.
- Are for all year groups not just those in key end points.
- Are focused on clear short-term goals providing opportunities for pupils to experience success.
- Use evidence-based research on proven strategies which work to narrow the attainment gaps and adapt these as necessary to meet the needs of our pupils.
- Ensure children’s emotional health and well-being are supported, enabling them to access the learning.
- Ensure there is robust monitoring and evaluation in place to account for the use and impact of the funding.
The school continues to regularly review pupils’ needs and the allocation of this funding.