Redfield Edge Primary School


Safeguarding at Redfield Edge

Redfield Edge Safeguarding Policy – MPT Safeguarding and Child Protection Policy (REP)

I am a child and I don’t feel safe

If you are scared or don’t feel safe at home or at school, you can do one of these things:

  1. Speak to any adult in school at any time. We are here to help you.
  2. Speak to Mrs Robinson (DSL), Mrs Griffiths (DDSL), or Mrs May (DDSL) at any time.


3. Phone Childline on 0800 11 11 anytime day or night. They are happy to speak to you about any worries. The call is free. Your teachers will be happy for you to use a phone in school – just ask.

Childline Website

I am an adult and I am concerned about a child

If you are concerned about the treatment of a child outside of school,
you can do one of these things:

  1. Report it to the school’s Designated Safeguarding Officers (Mrs Robinson, Mrs Griffiths, or Mrs May) by phoning the school on 01454 867165 or emailing enquires@
  2. Contact South Gloucestershire’s Social Services Access and Response Team:
    01454 866000 ‐ Monday to Friday 9am ‐ 5pm
    01454 615165 ‐ Out of hours and at weekends
  3. In an emergency, please ring 999

For further information, please go to South Gloucestershire’s website: South Gloucestershire Safeguarding

I am concerned about the conduct of a member of staff

If you are concerned about how a child has been treated in school or are concerned that the conduct of a member of staff is inappropriate, you can do one of these things:

  1. Speak to the school’s Designated Safeguarding Officers (Mrs Robinson, Mrs Griffiths, or Mrs May) by phoning the school on 01454 867165 or emailing enquires@
  2. Speak to the Chair of Governors (Bronwen Kucharski) or our Safeguarding Governor (Bronwen Kucharski) by phoning the school on 01454 867165 or emailing enquires@
  3. Phone the Local Authority’s Designated Officer on 01454 868508
I am concerned about an adult outside of school

If you are concerned about the safety or well-being of an adult (where children are not involved),  you can do one of these things:

  1. Contact South Gloucestershire’s Adult Social Services:

01454 868007- Monday to Friday 9am  5pm

01454 615165  Out of hours and at weekends

  1. Look at the the following website for advice: South Gloucestershire Safeguarding for Adults
  2. In an emergency, please ring 999

If you are concerned about a child, adult or young person being radicalised the following South Gloucestershire leaflet has useful advice and contact details.  

Download: Preventing Radicalisation and Extremism Community Leaflet

“Behaviour is good. Pupils say that they feel safe in school and have positive attitudes to their learning. Pupils are well mannered and friendly. They show a genuine interest in visitors and speak enthusiastically about the school and their achievements. They listen politely
and talk respectfully to adults and to each other. They ask whether they can help and consider each other’s welfare, particularly that of pupils who have special educational needs and/or disabilities. ,” Ofsted 2017.

Redfield Edge is proud of the good behaviour demonstrated by the children in and around our school. We work hard to ensure that children learn how to be caring, friendly and respectful towards each other. 

To find out more about how we ensure good behaviour at Redfield Edge click on the policy below:

Redfield Edge Behaviour Policy

Prevent Bullying

At Redfield Edge, we do all that we can to ensure that children are free from bullying in all its forms. Children are taught about bullying during PSHE lessons throughout the year and during our Anti-Bullying week each November.

At Redfield Edge Primary School we accept the following as a definition of bullying:

bullying is when someone (or a group of people) picks on you, hurts you, calls you names, threatens or says nasty things about you, takes your things and friends away and keeps on doing it, making you feel frightened and/or unhappy.

It can be:

Physical – hitting, kicking, spitting, tripping someone up, or stealing/damaging someone’s belongings.

Verbal – name-calling, insulting a person’s family, threats of physical violence, spreading rumours, or constantly putting a person down.

Emotional/psychological – excluding someone from a group, humiliation or creating a feeling of danger.

Racist – insulting language/gestures based on a person’s actual or perceived ethnic origin or faith, name-calling, graffiti, or racially motivated violence.

Sexual – sexually insulting language/gestures, name-calling, graffiti, and unwanted physical contact.

Homophobic/ Transphobic – insulting language/gestures based on a person’s actual or perceived sexuality, name-calling, graffiti, or homophobic/ transphobic violence.

Electronic – bullying by text message, bullying on the internet (in chat rooms, on bulletin boards and through instant messaging services), or hate websites.

Bullying is the abuse of power by one person or a group over another. All of the types of behaviour listed above are unacceptable and will not be tolerated at this school.

If you or your child are concerned, please see either the class teacher or Mrs Robinson or Mrs Griffiths as soon as possible.

To find out more about how prevent bullying at Redfield Edge, click on the policy below:

Anti Bullying Policy and Procedures