Pupil Premium
Pupil Premium
At Redfield Edge Primary School we believe all children deserve the very best education no matter what their background. We continuously monitor the progress of all our pupils to ensure that they are achieving their best.
In 2011 the government introduced some funding for schools called Pupil Premium in order to support the progress of vulnerable groups. The funding is paid directly into the school and the amount received is based on the number of pupils who receive free school meals, children in care and children of parents in the armed forces.
The Government believe that the Pupil Premium, which is additional to main school funding, is the best way to address the current underlying inequalities between children eligible for free school meals (FSM) and their wealthier peers by ensuring that funding to tackle disadvantage reaches the pupils who need it most.

Pupil Premium Leader: Lisa Robinson
From September 2012, schools are required to publish online information about how they have used the Premium. This ensures that parents and others are made fully aware of the attainment of pupils covered by the Premium. Schools will be provided with information about strategies and interventions which can improve the progress and attainment of pupils from poorer backgrounds.
We are free to spend this funding as we see fit. The school spends this money in a variety of ways to raise pupils’ learning to ensure the benefit of each child although Ofsted recommend successful approaches which may include:
- well-targeted support to improve attendance, behaviour or links with families where these were barriers to a pupil’s learning
- ensuring support staff (particularly teaching assistants) are highly trained and understand their role in helping pupils to achieve
- allocated their best teachers to teach intervention groups to improve mathematics and English
- involving governors in the decision making and evaluation process.
Barriers to learning may include:
- poor attendance and increased number of broken weeks
- lack of parental engagement and support for home learning
- poor communication and language skills
- low attainment in English and Maths
- lack of funding for school trips and residential trips
- ensuring pupils have regular meals and a balanced diet.
- poor motivation and lack of aspiration
Please see below our Pupil Premium Strategies and reviews.
Pupil Premium Breakdown
Pupil Premium Strategy 2021-24 (PP strategies now map out 3 years worth of funding rather than yearly like before)
Pupil Premium Strategy and Report 2020-21
Pupil Premium Strategy 2019-20 Pupil Premium Report July 2020
Pupil Premium Strategy 2019-20 Pupil Premium Report July 2019
Apply for Free School Meals
To access the additional support Pupil Premium funding will give your child, please follow the link free school meals to the South Gloucestershire Local Authority Website to sign up for Free School Meals. Alternatively, the staff in the office will be able to help you.