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Parents and Carers Coffee Morning
Thank-you to all of the parents and carers who attended our very first Redfield Edge Coffee Morning! Thanks also to Jo and Gill from the South Glos Parents and Carers forum, who spoke about the support and services available in the local area. We would highly recommend signing up to their website (see below) to keep yourself updated on local events and opportunities for parents.
Also sharing information about their roles within school were Mrs Foster (ELSA) and Mrs May (SENCo).
We plan to repeat these events on a termly basis, with guest speakers and school staff sharing information about parenting, mental health and well-being and Special Educational Needs and Disabilities. There will also be plenty of time to chat with other parents and staff (and plenty of refreshments!) If you have any suggestions about topics that you would find useful to be discussed, please do share this with Mrs May via the school office.
We hope to see as many of you as possible at the next event next term – keep an eye on the newsletter and website for further information. We are aware that fitting in attending events in school around work and family commitments can be challenging for many parents, and therefore aim to vary the time of the events across the year (morning, afternoon and evening).

Hello Yellow 2022!
Today, to mark World Mental Health Day, Redfield Edge once again dressed in bright colours, took part in a range of activities and donated money to Young Minds, to show young people that they are not alone with their mental health.
As a school, we decided to focus on ‘ANTs’ this year – Automatic Negative Thoughts. These are those pesky thoughts that we can ALL get, that can be our mind playing tricks on us, and we don’t necessarily have any evidence for. For example: “No-one likes me, ”I always get the answers wrong,” “I’ll never be able to do it!” We learned how to recognise and squash the eight different kinds of ANTs, and have been really impressed with the children’s ability to relate to and engage with this approach.
Mental Health Awareness Week
To celebrate Mental Health Awareness Week, today the children and staff of Redfield Edge have once again donned their yellow outfits and lit up the school! The national theme this year is ‘loneliness’. We thought about how loneliness feels, and why people might feel lonely. The children demonstrated our school values of mindfulness and compassion by taking part in an activity to reach out to someone in our community who may face loneliness. Each class chose a different audience and produced some lovely letters, posters and artwork that will now be shared to hopefully spread a smile and maybe even lead to some new class pen-pals.
Redfield Edge has achieved TWO new awards!
We are delighted to share that our ongoing whole school focus on Mental Health and Well-being has been officially recognised and we have been awarded both the Health in Schools Bronze AND Silver awards! This is in addition to the Health in Schools Mental Health award which we achieved last year. To achieve the latest awards, we were focusing on how we could further develop our provision to support positive mental health, as well as considering factors that influence mental health, such as physical activity and nutrition. A huge congratulations to all of the staff and pupils for all of their hard-work to achieve the award, and thank-you to our parents and governors for continuing to engage so positively with our work around mental health and well-being.
Children’s Mental Health Week
To celebrate Children’s Mental Health week, today children in Years 1-6 took part in a range of activities designed to boost their well-being and give them exciting opportunities to try something new. All of the children had the opportunity to attempt the climbing wall and play laser tag. The children could then sign up for four additional activities of their choosing. A special thanks to our volunteers who gave up their time to run three of the workshops. A fantastic time was had by all!
Dance with Danni’s Dance Academy
Drama with Mrs Gifford
Singing with Mrs May
Sewing with Mrs Jones, Mrs Walker and Mrs Leighton
Orienteering with Mrs Stone and Mrs Gabler
Forest Schools with Mr McCarthy and Mrs Foster
Running with Mrs Williams and Mrs Parker
Gardening with Mrs Sheppard
Art with Miss Andrews and Mrs Andrews
Boot Camp with Mr Monks and Mr Cadden
Mental Health Workshop and Sensory Room Session with Mrs Griffiths
Reading and Bookmark Making with Mrs Noad
The climbing wall and laser tag
Holly Class
Holly class spent the day taking part in a range of activities to help them feel happy and calm. The ‘spa sessions’ were a real hit, including footbaths, hand massages, relaxing music and ‘facials’!
Mental Health training for staff
Today, Mrs May (our Mental Health Lead) has started a six month training course – Advanced Mental Health Lead Training for Senior Leaders. This will support us to continue to develop the mental health provision we have here at Redfield Edge and is part of the government’s vision to have a trained Designated Mental Health Lead in every educational setting by 2025.
Outdoor Learning Day
Today was National Outdoor Learning day and a great opportunity to make the most of the sunshine, enjoy some fresh air and boost our well-being. Although cold, the weather was kind to us and every class used the outdoor environment for a good chunk of the days learning. From Maths trails to autumn art, orienteering to litter picking – it was all going on!
Hello Yellow for World Mental Health Day
Hobbies have been the theme of the day today. Kitted out in yellow, the children took part in a fantastic variety of activities, all of which aiming to inspire them to find a potential hobby that they would enjoy, that they might not have tried before. Having a hobby and ensuring that time dedicated to something you enjoy doing is very good for your mental wellbeing.
Golf was on the timetable today. The children learnt how to drive and how to putt. There were some fantastic shots!
Circus Skills
At the start of the day, we held a whole school assembly which allowed the children to watch Circus Skills in action. Juan from ‘Primary Workshops for schools’ demonstrated to the children the skills they were going to have a go at in their session. All seven classes then enjoyed a workshop with Juan learning some basic circus skills including spinning plates, the diablo, juggling and balancing on a giant ball!
Junk Drumming
All classes in KS1 and KS2 enjoyed a ‘Junk Drumming’ workshop led by Paul from ‘Drum Runners’. It was very loud but very enjoyable!
New Scooter Track
We also officially opened the scooter track today. Each class had time to ride their scooters on the playground and track, enjoying the fresh air and having fun!
The Staff in Yellow
As ever, the staff were all fully on-board with the Hello Yellow dress code! We even had an addition of a couple of bananas this year!
Today we also had Katy Gasser (Primary Mental Health Specialist) visiting our school to see one of our Mental Health celebration days in action. Katy was kind enough to share her thoughts following her visit:
“I feel really fortunate to have visited on mental health day (“Hello yellow!”) to see the wonderfully inclusive activities. There was such a buzz of joy everywhere with a mix of specialist and new activities and the whole school working together to produce a new mental health display. Finding out about how mental health is truly at the heart of Redfield Edge every day was really inspiring & there is so much for me to take away and share with other schools including the staff team’s shared responsibilities & enthusiasm, the mindfulness club, the intervention provision, the wellbeing ambassadors, the integration of mental health into the broader curriculum & the displays in school. Another big takeaway is the pupil voice especially that the ambassadors are so empowered and passionate and have, for example, presented to governors & shared videos during lockdown. Wow! Thanks you!”