Redfield Edge Primary School

Redfield Edge OPEN MORNINGS for prospective parents 

Wednesday 20th and Thursday 21st November. On each date there is two sessions – 9am and 11am
Please contact the school office to book a session: 01454 867165 /

2019 – 2020

Item Day Information
PE Sessions Tuesday Please ensure your child has their full PE kit in school everyday. PE bags are sent home every holiday giving parents an opportunity to wash and check that their child’s kit still fits them. Please ensure daps are provided for the summer terms 5 & 6.
Toast Money Monday Please ensure that toast money is handed in on Mondays in a separate envelope to any other money with your child’s name on – 50p for a whole week.
Reading Books Every Day Reading books and records need to be in school every day. Reading books will be changed once a week. 
Tricky words will be sent home for practice from Term 3. 
(after October half term)
Every Day These need to be in school every day and will be checked once a week. A new set of sounds will be sent home when the children are confident at reading all of their sounds correctly without hesitation.
Homework (From Term 2) On Going Children need to practice their reading and maths skills as near to every day as possible (3 x minimum each). Reading can be their reading book from school or books that you have at home. Children can retell stories that are familiar to them and practice their story language. At the beginning of the year, all parents are given a pack including ideas for practising maths at home. The expectations of what your child should be able to achieve by the end of the year are detailed in their reading record. Children’s maths skills can be developed in many ways and counting objects on the way home or playing board games can be an excellent starting point.
Me Box Fridays Children have the opportunity to present their ‘ME Box’ to the class. A letter detailing when it is your child’s turn is sent out in advance.


Out of school achievements (after Christmas) Friday Certificates, medals and awards can be sent to school every Friday for Mrs Robinson to present in our celebration assembly.
 WOW Slips On Going Parents can send in information about important and exciting achievements that may have happened at home, which the children would like to share with school. This information will also be put into their profiles. Blank WOW slips can be obtained from Miss Smith or Mrs Nelmes. 
Wheelie Wednesdays from Wednesday 9th October 2019 Wednesday Children are invited to bring in a bike or scooter to school along with a helmet, where they will have the opportunity to ride them with their classmates on the playground (provided they have brought in a helmet) on Wednesday afternoons. There are a small number of bikes and helmets for children who wish to borrow them.
Library Sessions Tuesday after school
From Term 2
The library is open every Tuesday from 3.30pm to 4pm for children to borrow a book for 14 days after which it needs to be returned to the library and changed or renewed. Each book has a unique library barcode. Every child has their own code as well so books are scanned in and out of the library. Please do not return library books to the classroom.
If you have any queries regarding the library please see Mrs Noad or Mrs Sheppard.